unsteady|unsteadier|unsteadiest in English


unstable, shaky; insecure; changeable

Use "unsteady|unsteadier|unsteadiest" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "unsteady|unsteadier|unsteadiest" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "unsteady|unsteadier|unsteadiest", or refer to the context using the word "unsteady|unsteadier|unsteadiest" in the English Dictionary.

1. The unsteady hand betrays.

2. Her voice was unsteady .

3. His... his condition is... unsteady.

4. Aflicker - shining unsteadily flickering unsteady - subject to change or variation; "her unsteady walk"; "his hand was unsteady as he poured the

5. Her heart gave an unsteady lurch.

6. Arrhythmic - lacking a steady rhythm; "an Arrhythmic heartbeat" jerking , jerky unsteady - subject to change or variation; "her unsteady walk"; "his hand was unsteady as …

7. His heartbeat/pulse was unsteady.

8. I gave her an unsteady smile.

9. She took a deep unsteady breath.

10. I feel instantly unsteady on my feet.

11. His voice was unsteady and only just audible.

12. She was quite unsteady on her feet .

13. Unsteady hips suggest a loss of power.

14. He was very unsteady on his feet.

15. Six whiskies made him unsteady on his feet.

16. You're unsteady, untidy, rank with the sweat and spirits.

17. They were unsteady on their feet and rather uncoordinated.

18. The Benefactor is a misguided film, unsteady on its feet

19. This table must be wedged up because it is unsteady.

20. The sun cast an unsteady red across the sky.

21. My hand felt unsteady as I signed the paper.

22. He poured the coffee with a very unsteady hand.

23. But being, as Aforesaid, slightly unsteady on his legs, he fell

24. The Benefactor is a misguided film, unsteady on its feet

25. Time dependent flow is known as unsteady (also called transient).